The history of the Vernengo Pastry shop:

In 1953 the sig. Vernengo Mario and its Graziella sister decides to work entirety in order to open a business activity, since Mario to the age of 23 years made the representative with its acquaintances aid its sister to learn the job of pasticcera like apprentice in the Piaggio Pastry shop to Blackboard in province of Genoa. 10 April 1954 opened the Vernengo pastry shop in via Vittorio Emanuele n 27 thanks also to the support of mother and father. In 1960 the pastry shop moves in Public square xx September where it is is found still now after more 41 years than activity. From the 1995 Vernengo Mario it leaves the task to ahead carry the tradition of the Vernengo Pastry shop to the Savio grandson, and with the aid of mrs. Graziella the continuous tradition...

old and the new premises...



Reception of the Prize Lavoro and Progresso and Premio Qualita' and Cortesia